Friday, 8 September 2017

reflection of light

press here to listen to the tune

when I see the reflection of my eyes in your eyes
what do you see?
Plenty of luck and many surprises

a brand new life awaits you down here
so just go ahead, grab its every delightful sides

when I see the reflection of my life in your life
what do you see?
Plenty of paths but just one way out

create your own path through better days tocome
Light would always be your leading star

eternal love as the wind above
a wave that glides from shore to shore
springtime filled with the scent of flowers
raise your head, true love is ours!

when I see the reflection of my eyes in your eyes
what do you see?
Plenty of joy, I just can't hide

a brand new life awaits you down here
so just go ahead, grab its every delightful sides

eternal love as the wind above
a wave that glides from shore to shore
springtime filled with the scent of flowers
raise your head, true love is ours!

©Matt Oehler 2011

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