complain ? The waves were at a distance and tourists were plenty, in other words money was always at reach.
His father owned little in those days, if anything at all. Their dwelling used to be along Shark Bay and Adam was to help in the daily chores of the fisherman. So did his mom and sister. They didn't really have much of a choice. Adam and Mary, his sister, had a tongue in cheek when their grandfather boasted about his accomplishments.
"See what ey've done, my children, 'tis why I thank you and prompt you to keep up this harsh work ! But one of these days you'll thank me for setting this here up..." the old man's words filled the customary silence at dinner time. They were all seated when his wife brought along the soup and garlic bread.
When their father's father was young times were indeed different. That man used to be miserable and strong-minded for certain. This was back at the beginning of the twentieth century, at the very start of economic expansion in the western australian area, the fight with nature was still vivid in those years.
Their son knew there was no room for arguing or bringing any shadow into this life-time achievement of his grand'pa. He found another way to get to the subject, though, and wished to share 'his' very passion.
"Daddy, can we go look at the ships in Carnarvan soon ? "
"Buddy, we often times go to wander through the port. Remember the many boats you've seen ! Cannot that be enough ? Your daddy has lots and lots of work..." his mother started.
"Darling, our boy's seen those for years already. What he wants now is to see the big ones, am I right ? " his father's eyes almost conveyed a childish complicity.
Adam's smile shone through as he bounced his head in sign of approval.
One day they hired a bigger boat and crossed Shark Bay north west of Denham Seaside. The crossover was a whole story in itself but Adam's best souvenirs were of course the immense ships at Carnavaran. Soon enough, however, Adam understood that his real interest lay in bigger cities, he knew those would have more international influence and also teach him much more. He already thought about how he could best convince his parents on the way back to Denham.
Tourism had developed all along the coastline and resorts appeared one after another. Adam's family knew how to take advantage of this and invested in bigger business: a restaurant, a few rooms and eventually a hotel. Peter had been of big help in that. Peter was Mary's husband, he managed a real estate agency in Tonga and certainly knew about tourists and their potential benefits to the area.
Adam remained part of the family. He flew over from Perth every other weekend. He didn't wish to become a hundred percent city-citizen (as opposed to the coast-liners). Nonetheless he enjoyed Perth and his studious life led him far into very abstract concepts such as finance, taxes, and many many legal aspects that are very obscure even to the most open-minded Australian citizens. As a result, after four long years of studies and three as a trader, Adam became the Chief Executive Officer of a large Cargo company based in Perth, Western Australia. Adam was glad to finally get back into the area of his childhood, knowing that Perth is at a 835 km from Denham Coast.
Leaving Sidney and its business world didn”t pre-occupy Adam that much. He wasn”t worried but Petra, his late wife, she felt quite differently about the whole situation.
“How come, Ad'm, how come you leave me for more than a week, is that what you mean?”
Petra felt so excited about this piece of news she could hardly hold back her emotions,
“Sure, this is the plan: an entire part of the company needs to be coached and looked upon while they're expanding in that region,” Adam replied on a monotoneous pitch of voice as if to emphasize his wife's simulated hypocrisy. She smiled back at him and took a deep breath:
“Now, look, honey: you are to coach that cargo company? Can you tell me what it is you know about ships and rusty chains, and humid shells? You are a freaking man from the trade. Numbers is what you know, laws is what you know, money is what you know best how to deal with!”
Adam hid his face for fear of screaming out loud, caught a deep breath and said:
“Thank you, ma'm. Who do you think took care of “buying” that company? It is only fair that the CEO be present during their investiture, regardless if the officer knows how to deal with the facts or not. I have some advisors, darling!”
Adam left his wife back in Sidney in their 200 square meter flat opposite the Theater. When his flight took off the ground Adam prayed he would never have to ground in New South Wales anytime soon from then [...]
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